One of the horrible things that could happen to any car owner is sitting in the driver’s seat and trying to start the car but getting no response from the engine. You may even hear some cranking or clicking sounds without and yet, no engine turnover. The feeling of dread is even worse when you cannot tell what the issue is. It could be caused by a faulty starter motor.
Not only does a poor starter motor get frustrating for the driver, but it could also affect the performance of your vehicle. We have provided this guide to help you understand starter motor issues and how they affect your car.
Common Causes of Starter Motor Failures in a Car
Here are some reasons why your car could be experiencing starter motor issues:
1. Wear and Damage
This is a leading cause of system problems in most vehicles. If you have had your car for a while, it could begin to show some signs, indicating that your car is old and its functions are declining. One of these signs is a failing starter motor, affecting the overall performance of your car.
2. Battery/Alternator Issues
The battery is essential to a starter motor’s function as it provides the power the motor needs to energize the engine for its functions. Hence, if the alternator (which recharges the battery) or the battery itself is faulty, the starter motor will not have enough power to work, causing a failure.
3. Electrical Problems
Electrical system problems are also a leading cause of starter motor failure in most vehicles. If your car’s electrical system is faulty, then the current needed to power the starter motor will not be available, leading to engine performance issues. The common electrical faults are loose connections, faulty wiring, blown fuse, or bad solenoid. If you can get these issues fixed, your car’s starter motor can get back to normal.
4. Dirt or Contaminants
Contaminants in the starter motor can also be a major reason for its failure. If grime, dirt, or dust accumulates in the starter, then it could fail to work when needed. Also, oil leaks can be a source of contamination, and the longer oil leaks to the starter motor, the more oil-soaked it gets, leading to a failure.
The Effects of a Poor Starter Motor on Vehicle Performance
Here are some ways in which a failing starter motor can poorly impact your car’s performance.
Reduced Fuel Efficiency
One of the effects of a poor starter motor on your car is a reduction in fuel efficiency. Since a bad starter motor fails to provide the needed ignition to start your engine, it leads to multiple ignition attempts as the driver keeps trying to start the car. This uses more power and also causes more fuel consumption, which negatively impacts fuel economy.
Increased Ignition System Wear
Another effect of a poor starter motor is wear and damage in the ignition system. This happens when you continuously try to get your car to start and you strain other parts of the ignition system in the process. Some common issues you might notice are bad ignition coils or flywheels.
Potential Engine Failure
Another issue that could result from a starter motor failure is engine damage. A bad starter motor puts stress on the entire engine system as the engine works harder to start. This could result in problems such as rough idling or overheating and if not well managed, could cause engine failure.
The Best Auto Service Workshop for Starter Motor Problems
To deal with a starter motor issue in your car, whether you are only seeing early signs or it has given up totally, you need to contact a professional mechanic. The majority of starter motor issues only show that there is an underlying problem and you need someone with experience to handle that.
Lancer Service is a top Automobile service shop in St. Paul, MN. We offer exceptional maintenance and repair services to Asian, domestic, and European vehicles. We also understand the importance of customer relations in understanding a car’s fault so we take you through every process to get a productive result. Hence, you should schedule an appointment with us today so we can help you fix your car’s issues and get it back on the road.