• MON - FRI: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • 270 E. 8TH STREET, ST. PAUL, MN 55101
  • (651) 224-0267

Today’s Cars OR Cocktails post is brought to you in honor of Carl’s birthday (the owner of Lancer Service). After a hard day’s work, one of Carl’s favorite cocktails to enjoy is the traditional Old Fashioned. Watch the video to see our very own cocktail guru, Kyla, demonstrating how easy it can be to master the creation of this time-honored classic!

Have a cocktail recipe that you love? Send a message to angie@lancerservice.com and we’ll feature the creation of this cocktail in one of our upcoming Cars OR Cocktails posts.

2.5oz Whiskey of Choice

.75oz Orange scented agave (for a less sweet version use .5oz, for a sweeter version use 1oz)

2 dashes Orange Bitters

2 dashes Angostura Bitters

Cinnamon Stick

Flamed Orange Swath, Expressed

Mixing glass

Rocks or old fashioned glass
Match, lighter or torch
Firesafe surface
Bar Spoon


First, light your cinnamon stick on fire and place it under the glass on a fire-safe surface. Set aside and let the glass fill with smoke while you begin building your cocktail.

In an empty mixing glass, add your bitters, syrup and whiskey. Fill to top with ice and stir 10-15 times. Flip over your smoked old fashioned glass and fill with fresh ice or one large rock. Strain your cocktail over the fresh ice. Peel one swath from an orange and hold skin down over an open flame. Squeeze the swath to flame the citrus (carefully!), rub the skin side down around the rim of the glass and place it in your cocktail to garnish.